Photo by Andoz Krishnadas, courtesy of the artist.
Jagoda Szmytka
Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum
30 October 2016 | 30. október 2016
3 PM | 15:00
Aðgangur ókeypis | Free admittance
Born in Legnica (Poland), Jagoda Szmytka studied art history, philosophy, music theory and composition in Wrocław, Graz, Frankfurt/Main and Karlsruhe. Jagoda Szmytka composes "for people," "about people," "with people." Szmytka's "social composing" examines social and interpersonal processes such as communication and identity often in relation to phenomena that influence modern life or referring directly to the social dimension of making music. Her work incorporates mixed-media, trans-media and cross-genre formats—her compositions are a mixture of texts, images and sounds that build dense structures in reference to high and pop culture, philosophy, or reality. Szmytka’s music has received international recognition through numerous features at festivals and institutions such as Warsaw Autumn, Wien Modern, Lucerne Festival, Festival d'Aix-en-Provence, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Ultraschall Berlin, ECLAT Stuttgart, Ferienkurse Darmstadt, Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Deutschlandfunk Cologne, Royaumont Paris, Polish National Opera Warsaw and many others. Among other things she received the Staubach Honorarium and the Stipend Prize of the Darmstadt International Summer Course for New Music, scholarships from the DAAD, the Art Foundation Baden-Württemberg, residencies at Herrenhaus Edenkoben and La Muse en Circuit Paris. In 2017 she will be artist in residency at Villa Serpentara and she has often visited the ZKM|Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe as artist in residency. In 2015 WERGO/EZM released her portrait CD "BLOODY CHERRIES". In 2016 Jagoda Szmytka won the GEMA Deutscher Musikautorenpreis. Jagoda Szmytka is a founder and leader of two projects: PLAY—Platform for art and culture social initiatives, and ENTER—a collective specialised in performing Referential Music.
Jagoda Szmytka er fædd í Legnica í Póllandi og lærði listasögu, heimspeki, tónlistarfræði og tónsmíðar í Wrocław, Graz, Frankfurt/Main og Karlsruhe. Hún hefur hlotið alþjóðlega viðurkenningu fyrir tónlist sína sem hefur verið í aðalhlutverki á fjölmörgum hátíðum og sýningum eins og Warsaw Autumn, Wien Modern, Lucerne Festival, Festival d'Aix-en-Provence, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Ultraschall Berlin, ECLAT Stuttgart og Ferienkurse Darmstadt og fleirum. Jagoda Szmytka semur tónlist “fyrir fólk”, “um fólk”, “með fólki”. Með “félagslegum tónsmíðum” kannar Jagoda samfélagsleg og einstaklingsbundin ferli eins og tjáskipti og sjálfsmynd, oft í tengslum við fyrirbæri sem eru áhrifavaldar í nútímalífi eða sem bein skírskotun í þá félagslegu vídd sem tónsmíðar snerta. Verk Jagoda “intertextual music” er samið fyrir eyru, augu og hugsun – byggir á blönduðum miðlum, á mörkum miðla og þvert á stíla – tónsmíðar hennar eru blanda af texta, myndum og hljóðum sem saman mynda þéttan strúktúr með tilvísun í poppmenningu, heimspeki eða raunveruleikann (tónleikshúsverkefni: LIMBO LANDER - samfélagsmiðla tónleikhús, LOST - tónleikhús á mörkum miðla, LOVE LABEL - fjölmiðla tónleikhús). Jagoda Szmytka stofnaði og er í forsvari tveggja verkefna: PLAY – Platform for art and culture social initiatives og ENTER - Collective specialized in performing Referential Music.
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